How do you identify future leaders
Every meeting gives a chance to acquire crucial information about the attendees. Here's what to look for:
Is this planned?
Effective leaders usually start with clearly stated objectives and then develop strategies to achieve them. They have the fortitude to chart a course and then adjust when fresh knowledge becomes available. They communicate openly because they believe that when people know what to expect, they perform better. So, did the individual who called the meeting prepare an agenda? Was the agenda given prior to the meeting? Did the agenda provide what you needed to know to participate successfully in the meeting? If so, this is a good sign of excellent leadership planning.
Is it efficient?
A meeting is the culmination of a bigger process. It starts with identifying objectives and creating an agenda. The chairperson should then have called important participants to advise them of their duties in the meeting, instructed everyone on how to prepare for the meeting, and notified anybody who may be required to assume responsibility for action items. All of this preparation ensures that the meeting will go smoothly, efficiently, and successfully. So, how's the meeting going? Is there any proof of this attention to detail?
Is this logical?
Pay attention to what others say during meetings. Do their suggestions help to achieve the goals? If this is the case, it demonstrates that they are working together to discover answers. Do their thoughts expand on what others have said? If so, this demonstrates that they are paying attention to the conversation. Do their thoughts reflect originality, creativity, and knowledge? If so, this demonstrates that they are trying hard to create value. Effective leaders have great analytical thinking abilities.
Is this helpful?
During a meeting, review the statements and proceed. Are the players supporting one another? Are individuals contributing to a safe environment that encourages open, creative thinking? Are individuals contributing high-value content (rather than tales or jokes that distract everyone)? Chronic, unproductive behavior reveals either anxiety, a lack of effective job abilities, or mistaken expectations. Individuals who perform badly in meetings may need constructive coaching.
Is it controllable?
Watching others speak is not enough to be a leader. Observe the dynamics of the meeting process. Is the chairman guiding everyone through deliberate stages that lead to a conclusion? Is the meeting conducted in such a way that attendees believe it is a fair process? Is the chairman encouraging people to do their best so that the group can achieve an amazing result?
Individuals that thrive in the aforementioned areas should be considered for leadership roles. This explains why most executives look at a person's ability to conduct meetings when choosing future leaders.
According to surveys, executives view a person's meeting performance as a foundation for promoting them to a leadership role. Here is why.