8 Steps to becoming the successful leader you need to be

8 Steps to becoming the successful leader you need to be

8 Steps to becoming the successful leader you need to be
8 Steps to becoming the successful leader you need to be

Success in life requires the ability to take the initiative. Along with having the ability to lead others, we also need to be willing to lead ourselves. Nobody ever succeeds in life by just imitating others. We sometimes need to carve out a risky new path for ourselves.

Standing out from the crowd is just one aspect of becoming a successful leader. A leader needs to act. In America, we often evaluate someone's leadership qualities solely based on how they seem or sound, as opposed to looking at their actual actions, which is the true test of leadership.

However, if we want to become great leaders ourselves, we must place more emphasis on actions than on outward appearances. The article's title mentions eight phases; however, they shouldn't be interpreted as sequential steps like they are in many recipes or how-to guides. Instead, consider them routine duties that you must do.

1. Be aware of new opportunities

"Reality" isn't static; rather, it's always evolving. Think about the great inventors, explorers, and agents of societal change throughout history. Certain people can simply assert that certain people's success is due to their good fortune in being in the right place at the right time. Maybe, but if they hadn't been seeking the opportunity, it wouldn't have mattered whether they had been at the right place.

2. Be receptive to suggestions from anyone, including your enemies

The wisest leaders are always keeping an eye on their competitors. This kind of research and reconnaissance is often used in warfare, politics, and business. Too many individuals concentrate their research on finding a weakness to exploit. If you want to be a leader of positive change, resist this temptation. Instead, if you find a weakness, be cautious not to fall into that trap yourself. If you can, find a way to improve your own characteristics so that they complement your abilities.

3. Learn a new skill every day and look for innovative ways to progress

This indicates that you should always work to broaden your viewpoints, both locally and globally. Continue to extend your social horizons while also feeding your mind with new knowledge and lessons. Try different social situations and make an effort to meet new people. You never know when these fresh meetings can help you in your role as a leader.

4. Search for and interpret minute hints

Continue your research and ask questions. This is a continuation of the third stage, if you're seeking further details. But this also suggests that you'll need to deviate from the usual course of investigation. Read more than just Hollywood movies and classic literature. Attend seminars rather than lectures since there will be more time for questions and discussion. Find unconventional writers, teachers, and thinkers.

5. Improvise if no pre-established choices are available

There is nothing to justify. Need drives the invention process. How can you be sure something won't work if you've never tried it? Do not forget that not all approaches must be made from the front. Think about your problem from all possible perspectives, then test out a number of solutions.

6. Try to cheer up at least one important person in your life each day

You may assist those around you by spreading the habit of thoughtfulness and compassion by making it a point to exhibit it to one person each day. Your personal pleasure is nourished by other people's joy. Just imagine how much more content the world would be if we all shared our delight.

7. Offer help even if it doesn't appear to be of any use to you

This involves more than simply sending money. It includes dedicating your time and energy to yourself. There are instances when helping someone you don't know will take very personal action.

8. Never let a negative remark serve as your last word on anything

Even if you are certain that a project or activity will succeed, if you end on a down note, people will continue to connect you with negativity. Accentuate the positives to increase your chances of success.

If you follow these eight action steps, you will become a better leader and guide yourself to a more prosperous life.


Success in life requires the ability to take the initiative. Along with having the ability to lead others, we also need to be willing to lead ourselves. Nobody ever succeeds in life by just imitating others. We sometimes need to carve out a risky new path for ourselves.

Standing out from the crowd is just one aspect of becoming a successful leader. A leader needs to act. In America, we often accept leadership from others without really looking for it.